Groups and classes in Austin, TX

For mothers, babies, parents, families and community

From Breast to Bottle and Back

An online class for parents and caregivers

This online class for parents and caregivers will give an overview of the difference between breast and bottle-feeding and how to help an infant transition from breast to bottle and back. We will also review some common barriers to a smooth transition and their potential solutions.

This class is perfect for breastfeeding parents who are planning to return to work and will need to bottle-feed their baby during work hours, for parents who are struggling with bottle refusals, strikes, and aversions and for caregivers who want more tools to troubleshoot bottle feeding issues during their care.

Blissful Beginnings

A sensory-based group for moms and babies

Blissful Beginnings is a free sensory-based group for moms (or parents!) and their infants. So many of us are overloaded, touched out and just generally overwhelmed! This group is designed as a causal drop in to give you a mental, physical and social space to take a break and learn some tools and techniques that can help both you and your baby when you need it most.

Adventurous Early Eaters

A Workshop for parents of babies starting solid foods

Our Adventurous Early Eaters workshop was started after Jessica attended a solids class for parents after she had her first child. It has some great info on baby nutrition and recipes for first foods. What it lacked was a functional and developmental perspective on introducing solid foods. As occupational therapists, we have a background in child development, anatomy, and physical health and teach families to make safe and informed decisions when it comes to this monumental and exciting milestone!

This 2-2.5 hour workshop teaches parents about developmental milestones, and tools and strategies to introduce solids to babies. Parents will learn functional and hands on techniques to safely and confidently introduce their babies to solids, open cup drinking and straw drinking (yes, your 6-month-old is capable of drinking from a straw!) Join Matrescence Occupational Therapy to leap into this fun milestone hands first! (Offered in-person in Austin, TX and virtually.)


A workshop for parents

Our workshop, ErgoMOMics, teaches moms and caregivers how to support their bodies and joints in common positions of early parenthood that often put them at risk for musculoskeletal disorders, pain and discomfort. Participants learn tools and strategies to increase comfort and decrease and prevent pain during feeding, lifting and carrying babies. This workshop is appropriate for all parents and caregivers providing infant care. Parents will learn different feeding, breastfeeding and pumping positions that can protect their bodies from pain and discomfort. (Offered in-person in Austin, TX and virtually.)

Functional Recovery After Cesarean Section

A class for parents or providers

Informed by years of hospital experience, this workshop guides participants through the C-section journey. Perfect for anyone planning a birth, facing a scheduled or potential C-section, and those recovering from a c-section, learn practical strategies and insights for an empowered birth and postpartum experience including:

  • What to expect during and after surgery

  • Scar healing and management: Learn effective techniques to promote healing, minimize scarring and discomfort.

  • Practical tips on how to care for mom, partners, and a newborn after C-section.

  • Recovery toolbox essentials: must-have items to support a smooth and comfortable healing process.

  • Core knowledge: Understand the importance of core rehabilitation and how to regain strength and function.

  • Home set-up: What you need where to make your life easier during recovery and newborn care.

  • How a maternal health OT can be part of your birth planning and post-op team.